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Institute of Mechatronic Systems in Mechanical Engineering   
Update time: 2011-09-21
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Title:1. Institute of Mechatronic Systems in Mechanical Engineering   
     2.Activities on Telescope Projects – Cooperation with MT mechatronics
     3.Active Vibration Reduction for Elastic Rotors with Piezo Actuators
   4.Transmíssions in Electrified Vehicle Powertrains (optional)
Speaker:Prof. Dr. Stephan Rinderknecht(head of the Institute for Mechatronic Systems in Mechanical Engineering (IMS) at the Technische Universität Darmstadt )
Time: 10:00 AM, September  22,2011
Location::Lecture room 201
Nanjing Institute of Astronomical Optics & Technology ,National Astronomical Observatories ,CAS