Infrared solar telescope with aperture of 1M |
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In order to quicken the development of Chinese space science and solarphysics research and match astronomical observation of space solar telescope,it is necessary to develop a new type of solarphysics observational instrument。Infrared solar vacuum telescope with aperture of 1m,which has been listed into “973 program” of Science & Telechnogy Ministry after repeated discussion and review conducted by Chinese solarphysics specialists,will be completed within three years and locate at Chenjang in Yunnan province。 NIAOT is responsible for principal part of optical system and mechanism for infrared solar telescope with aperture of 1m,which is horizon vacuum system and main optical system is modified J.Gregory with F/45.9。Its spatial resolution will be less than 0.5 arcsecond。The telescope with high luminous flux,low polarization and diffraction limited resolution as well as wide spectra coverage from near violet to near infrared equipped with high precision polarizing analyzer,multi-waveband spectrograph and large dispersed spectrograph as well as multi-channel filter etc focal plane apparatus can carry on multi-waveband soalr observation aiming at different subject target and provide different layer data of structure for solar active region,which is upmost important for research of temporal and spatial fine structure of magnetic and evolution in solar active region。 After the telescope finish construction,it will be Chinese principal observational instrument for solarphysics at the beginning of 21th century,which can reach top-grade level of its kind in the world at aspect of aperture and performance and file up research and observation vacancy caused by suspended LEST(Large Earth-based Solar Telescope)because of some reason。 |