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    CSTAR succeeded in observing the sky of south pole
    Update time: 2008-04-20
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        Image  has been continually returned from CSTAR installed in Dome A which is the highest position of south pole since 20th March 2008.It indicates that a lot of difficult problems about installing and adjusting for CSTAR composing of four telescopes with wide field of view and short focal length,accumulation of frost and snow on telescope under extremely condition of south pole as well as vibration during long distance transportation have been successfully solved.

        Before it was transported to south pole,trial observation had been implemented for CSTAR. image as faint as down 13 limited magnitude can been obtained.

        Because of special atmosphere condition,CSTAR at present can obtained one image including more than ten thousands of celestia body as faint as down 16.5 limited magnitude before dark sky appears.

    one of images snapped by CSTAR including more than ten thousands of celestia body as faint as down 16.5 limited magnitude


    Nanjing Institute of Astronomical Optics & Technology ,National Astronomical Observatories ,CAS