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    Good news for the filter of smart telescope in Japan designed and manufactured by NIAOT
    Update time: 2004-01-10
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       Recently,at the invitation of Japanese University of Kyoto,MaoWeijun etc who is derector of filter research group in NIAOT left for Japan to attend celebration ceremony of SMART-Solar Magnetic Active Research Telescope and overall quality test of optical system of Smart telescope.

       Located in Hida observatory which has best seeing in Japan, Smart telescope is mainly used to observe solar chromosphere and measure solar magnetic field.The telescope consists of four mirrortube mounted on a high tower without enclosure.Every mirrortube is equipped with a core component of narrowband filter.NIAOT is responsible for providing three filter to Japan,among which there is  a birefringent filter with biggest aperture in the world so far. 

      Japan obtained first class level of solar chromosphere by testing and observing on the spot.They accorded to that quality of filter from NIAOT completely reach request of contract.Japanese University of Kyoto especially delivered a grateful letter to NIAOT in order to express appreciation and grateful attitude for wonderful job of filter research group of NIAOT.


    Nanjing Institute of Astronomical Optics & Technology ,National Astronomical Observatories ,CAS