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    Astronomical spectra and high-resolution image research department
    Update time: 2009-08-28
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    Brief introduction

      The research department specializes in astronomical spectrograph and high-resolution image technology。

      Coude' echelle grating spectrograph for Chinese 2.16M telescope was successfully developed in 1990'。Since 1997,low-resolution and high-resolution spectrograph for LAMOST have been designing and developing。  Preliminary study of UV long slit spectrograph for WSO is under way 。

      Stellar optical interferometry was begun to study and develop by the lab in 1989。White-light interferometer fringe was obtained in lab in 1996。At present,the optical aperture systhesis and its key technology is developing。The lab will set up stellar optical interferometry test-bed outside door in near future to get observation result as soon as possible and to achieve actual application。


      The research department has 10 professional person including 3 research fellows and 4 senior engineers。

      Director : Prof. ZhuYongtian (Email : ytzhu@niaot.ac.cn )

    Research field

    1):Multi-Object Fiber Spectrograph

    2):high—resolution Spectrograph

    3):Stellar optical interferometry and optical aperture systhesis


      The research department equip with monochromator,red and green laser,integral ball,spectra lamp etc。A perfect platform for developing spectrograph has been set up。

      The research department has whole stellar optical interferometry experimental system including optical system,the sterostat system to gather star light,the optical delay line system to compensate optical path,the active mirror system to adjust the parallelness of interference beams,and the computer control system and fringe detecting system 。

    Nanjing Institute of Astronomical Optics & Technology ,National Astronomical Observatories ,CAS