On Nov.2,2017,a delegation of South African Astronomical Observatory (SAAO)led by Professor Vaisanen visited NIAOT for the first time。
Prof. Zhu Yongtian(director of NIAOT)、prof.Cui Xiangqun(academician of CAS)and prof.Hu Zhongwen (assistant director of NIAOT and vice-director of research lab of astronomical spectra) met with the delegation of SAAO for academic exchanges and future cooperation。
During visiting,Amanda Sickafoose(director of instrument department of SAAO)and Steven Crawford(leader of science data department of South African Large Telescope)gave lectures respectively entitled "An Overview of the SAAO Instrumentation Division" and "Southern African Large Telescope (SALT)"。
Prof.Hu Zhongwen presided over the bilateral academic seminar and gave a brief introduction of NIAOT。
After Prof.Yuan Xiangyan、prof.Xiao Dong、prof.Dou Jiangpei and vice-prof.Zhang Kai respectively gave reports entitled“progress on Chinese Antarctical telescope”、“application of astronomical laser frequence comb on Chinese 2.16m telescope”、“application of a high-contrast imaging on extrasolar planet and solar observation in NIAOT”and“status of astronomical spectra instrument in NIAOT”,bilater sides conducted detailed discussion and exchange on the future possible cooperation。
After that,accompanied by prof.Zhu Yongtian,the South African delegation visited mirror lab of NIAOT、3.6m ring polishing machine、avtive optics lab、extrasolar planet detecting lab and astronomical spectra lab。

1:South African Astronomical Observatory (SAAO):http://www.saao.ac.za/
2:Southern African Large Telescope (SALT):http://www.salt.ac.za/