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    The M&E system of a 2.5m telescope passed the customer Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) by SAGEM (France)
    Update time: 2011-10-11
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    The M&E system of a 2.5m telescope, finished by Nanjing Institute of Astronomical Optics and Technology,passed the customer Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) by SAGEM (France) on September 7,2011 held in Nanjing。NIAOT was responsible for mechanical main body and electronic control system of telescope。

    The main features of the telescope M&E are as following:

    - Alt-azimuth mount.

    - One Cassegrain focs(C1), 2 Nasmyth foci(N1,N2), 2 student Nasmyth foci(N3, N4).

    - M2 automatical positioning system.

    - M3 automatical positioning system.

    - Auto-Guiding Units at C1 and N1.

    - Instrument mechanical derotator at C1 and N1.  

    - Torque motor direct drive for azimuth and elevation axes.

    - Rotation speed from 0 to 4°/sec.

    - Tracking accuracy 0.2″ RMS over 3 hours in closed loop.

    - Pointing accuracy 5″ RMS over full sky.

    After FAT,the whole system will be dismounted,re-painted and transported to customer’s observing site(Astronomical Institute of Russia)。 On-site installation is scheduled at the beginning of 2012。

    Nanjing Institute of Astronomical Optics & Technology ,National Astronomical Observatories ,CAS