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    Danish delegation for Stellar Observations Network Group(SONG)
    Update time: 2010-11-09
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    On October 30 2010,Danishdelegation forSONGincluding famous scholarProfessor Joergen Christensen-Dalsgaard from astronomy and physics department of Aarhus University visited NIAOT。

    Professor Zhuyongtian (director of NIAOT) firstly gave them a report (Development of Telescopes and Instruments in NIAOT),then professor Wangguoming introduce preliminary scheme design

    for Chinese node。

    Soon afterwards Danishdelegation visited a lot of lab in NIAOT。

    SONGis an initiative to construct a global network of 1-m class robotic telescopes

    The scientific goals of SONG are: 

    1):to study the internal structure and evolution of stars using asteroseismology。 

    2):to search for and characterize planets with masses comparable to the Earth in orbit around other stars。
    Several factors limit progress in these fields, the most important being the impossibility of obtaining long-term and continuous observations at existing facilities。

    The plan for SONG is to build a network consisting of 8 telescope nodes located at existing observatories。

    There will be four nodes in each hemisphere each equipped with identical telescopes and instrumentation. This will allow objects to be observed with a high duty-cycle over long (months) periods of time。At each node the instruments will be a high-resolution spectrograph and an imaging camera.

    Nanjing Institute of Astronomical Optics & Technology ,National Astronomical Observatories ,CAS