October 31, 2024, Nanjing, China — Mr. Juan Cruz Cigudosa García, Secretary of State for Spain’s Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities (MICIU), led a delegation, including Spanish Ambassador in China, Ms. Marta Betanzos Roig, to visit Nanjing Institute of Astronomical Optics & Technology (NIAOT) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). This visit underscored the strong ties between China and Spain in the field of astronomical research and marked a significant step forward in their collaborative efforts.
During their visit, the Spanish delegation engaged in a comprehensive discussion with Dr. Liu Jifeng, Director of the National Astronomical Observatories of the CAS (NAOC), Dr. Gong Xuefei, Director of NIAOT, Dr. Yuan Xiangyan, Deputy Director of NIAOT, and Dr. Hu Zhongwen, Deputy Director of NIAOT. The meeting centered on advancing the instrument project, known as CHORUS (Canary Hybrid Optical high-Resolution Ultra-stable Spectrograph), for Spanish 10.4m Gran Telescopio Canaries, GTC to enhance astronomical cooperation between China and Spain.
Dr. Yuan Xiangyan gave a general introduction about NIAOT and the National Astronomical Observatory of CAS. Dr. Eva Villaver Sobrino, Deputy director of Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC), introduced the institute development of IAC and its plan of developing advanced astronomical telescopes. Dr. Zhang Kai, the Chief project engineer of CHORUS, gave a presentation to introduce the current status of bilateral cooperation in astronomy and the CHORUS project progress. Both parties emphasized the importance, urgency, and potential positive impact of their collaboration and unanimously expressed a strong commitment to the successful implementation of CHORUS for promoting cutting-edge science research like exoplanets, our galaxy.
In addition to the Secretary of State, the Ambassador, and the deputy director of IAC, the Spanish delegation included Mr. Roberto Díaz Sánchez, Deputy Director of the International Relations and Institutional Coordination Office of MICIU, and Mr. Adrián Gutiérrez Árboles, Science and Technology Counselor at the Embassy of Spain in China. The meeting was also attended by Mr. Jean Louis Lizon, Project system engineer of CHORUS, and Dr. Hou Yonghui, Head of NIAOT’s Science and Technology Division.
The CHORUS project is a major international effort jointly initiated by NAOC and NIAOT in collaboration with IAC and GTC. It reflects both nations’ dedication to advancing astronomical research and fostering scientific exchange.

Representatives from the Spanish science and technical delegation, the NAOC, and the NIAOT meet to discuss the Spanish GTC High-Resolution Ultra-Stable Spectrograph (CHORUS) project, highlighting the contribution to collaborative advancements in astronomy.