From May 29th to June 2nd 2023, Patricio Rojo, an associate professor from department of astronomy of Universidad de Chile (UCHILE) visited the Nanjing Institute of Astronomical Optics & Technology, CAS (NIAOT).
NIAOT and UCHILE made discussions on their collaborative research project entitled “Research on the high-contrast imaging observation of exoplanets orbiting faint stars using the New Technology Telescope (NTT) in Chile” (Primary Investigator: Prof. Yongtian Zhu at NIAOT) which is supported by the Overseas Science and Education Cooperation Center (South America Center for Astronomy), CAS.
In the project, a high-contrast imaging instrument developed by NIAOT is employed as a visiting instrument on ESO’s 3.58-m NTT, and NIAOT and UCHILE will together carry out observing researches on exoplanets orbiting faint star with a magnitude of 10~13.
During the visit, associate Prof. Patricio Rojo introduced data reduction method, while exoplanet research group at NIAOT presented basic information, preliminary test results of the high-contrast imaging instruments, as well as recent progress preparing for the NTT observations.
Profound discussions are made focusing on the topics such as connection and adjustment of instruments on NTT, observing targets selection, data reduction and analysis, personnel cooperation training, etc.
In addition, associate Prof. Patricio Rojo was invited to give an academic report, which had a warm exchange.
Subsequently, accompanied by secretary of the Party committee, deputy director Prof. Xiangyan Yuan and Prof. Jiangpei Dou, associate Prof. Patricio Rojo also visited Space Extreme High-contrast Imaging Laboratory, Exoplanet Detection Technique Laboratory and models of Large Optical-infrared Telescope (LOT) and Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopy Telescope (LAMOST), respectively.
By this academic visit, a foundation can be laid for the smooth implementation of the collaborative project, furthermore, future potential cooperations are investigated.

Discussion and exchange between NIAOT and UCHILE

Associate Prof. Patricio Rojo gave an academic report at NIAOT

Associate Prof. Patricio Rojo visited NIAOT